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Local/Indie Author Request Form

At The Book & Bottle Shop we are proud to support local authors in a variety of ways! Our staff will work with you to determine the best way to reach your audience through our shop, whether that be through an author event, adding your book(s) to our stock, or creating an online feature.

The Book & Bottle Shop has a responsibility to cater our offerings and events to our customers' needs and tastes, and as such we cannot accept every request. We will always strive to honor the hard work and dedication that it takes to become an author and provide support in whatever ways we can.

Partnerships between local authors and independent bookstores are intended to be lucrative for both the author and the business. If sales are not expected, it is not reasonable for either party to force a relationship that will not yield the hoped for results.

If you have any questions while filling out this form, please contact the shop by emailing using the subject line "Questions: Local/Indie Author Request Form"

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